Sleeper is distributed as Shareware. You are welcome to download and try Sleeper free for 30 days, after which time we ask that you pay the $20.00 registration fee if you continue to use it.
Registered users receive full technical support via email or FAX, and notices of updates and bug fixes as soon as they're released. You will also receive a registration code to disable the dialog that reminds you that the shareware evaluation period has expired.
Payment may be made by cash, check, International Postal Money Order, VISA, or MasterCard. To register:
• Click on the "Info" button in the Sleeper control panel.
• Click the "Registration Form" button.
• Fill out the online registration form.
• Save or print the form, depending on how you'll be sending it to us.
• Send the form and payment by mail, FAX, or email to one of the addresses below.
St. Clair Software
2025 Mohawk Road
Upper St. Clair, PA 15241-1526
CompuServe: 72330,3455
America Online: StClairSW
FAX: (412)835-4402
CompuServe members may also register online by typing "GO SWREG" and registering program number 3395. However, since we are charged %15 of your registration fee for this service, payment by other means is appreciated when possible.
Site licenses are also available. They include hardcopy documentation, technical support, and free updates. Contact St. Clair Software for details.
Sleeper is a copyrighted product, and St. Clair Software retains all rights to it. It is not to be redistributed for profit or bundled with any other product without written consent. In our attempts to provide the best product possible, your comments are also welcome.